Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Week 5 Live Session

Week 5 Live Session

Q Each week I will host a live Thursday night 7:00 pm session via Collaborate Ultra. It will be scheduled for one hour but may take less time if there are few questions. The session will include an assignment that will count toward your course grade. However, the session will be recorded and made available in Collaborate Ultra for your review if you choose to not attend or are unable to attend. So, you can complete the assignment without attending the event in real time. The Week X live session focuses on demand planning, capacity management, and supply chain inventory management. This week's live session includes a discussion of the different challenges faced by two very similar business operating in different areas of the country, Chicago versus Phoenix. Think about the unique challenges faced by a restaurant, overeasy, located in Flagstaff, AZ. near the Northern Arizona University campus. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the unique seasonal demand forecasting challenges for overeasy? Explain what one or two tools or methods described in the textbook chapter 9 may be helpful in dealing with the challenges. 2. What are the unique seasonal capacity management challenges for overeasy? Explain what one or two tools or methods described in the textbook chapter 10 may be helpful in dealing with the challenges. 3. What are the unique seasonal supply chain inventory management challenges for overeasy? Explain what one or two tools or methods described in the textbook chapter 11 may be helpful in dealing with the challenges. A typical good response for this assignment would be 400 - 600 words, excluding the questions and any diagrams.

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The seasonal challenges that are faced in the forecasting methods are First there is always demand at the peak during this time (Chapman, 2020). The second is to have excess stock levels and have seasonal demand fluctuations (Chapman, 2020). Many companies have to invest a lot of money in inventory which has been leading to cash flow problems (Chapman, 2020). Due to these challenges, the suppliers are informed on time and the orders are also not received. The third challenge is that the inventory is not at all optimized (Chapman, 2020). So the safety stock level and the replenishment rules are not mentioned. Seasonal patterns are always characterized by repeatable periods of ups and downs and having a short period of time (Chapman, 2020). The seasonal patterns can help in solving these types of challenges. This type of method can help in assisting business professionals with stock and economic trend analysis. It also provides the businesses with the critical data to assist with preparing for the upcoming operations (Caster, 2020). Incapacity management the challenges are first is the Data Collection,